I Support Feds

I Support Feds


Federal employees play a vital role in our everyday lives.

Yet today, they face unprecedented threats. Career civil servants are being arbitrarily purged from the federal workforce, agencies are being shuttered and vital public services are being disrupted. These actions seek to upend our government’s professional, nonpartisan civil service, a cornerstone of our democracy.

Our nation’s civil servants take a constitutional oath to serve the public good. With little fanfare, they move our nation forward, ensuring our food and water are clean, helping veterans and seniors access their benefits, providing disaster relief, protecting our borders, keeping us safe when we travel, delivering weather forecasts, and more.

Civil servants need our support now more than ever. Share a story about a federal employee who has made a difference in your life to help us demonstrate why public servants matter and what is at stake if their work is disrupted. Tearing apart the government’s apolitical, merit-based workforce would undermine federal services and harm the public. Help us protect the civil service and show federal employees that you’ve got their back.

Show your support of federal employees.

Members of the public: Tell us how a federal employee inspired you or made a positive impact on your community, on our country or on the world.

Current and former feds: Let your voice be heard. Share how your work makes a difference.

We will feature stories on our website, in our Five Stories of Public Service newsletter and on our social platforms.

10 ways you may have recently interacted with a federal employee

1. Air Travel and Transportation ✈️ 🚊

  • Transportation Security Administration agents conduct airport security screenings.
  • Federal Aviation Administration employees oversee air traffic control.

2. Social Security and Medicare 💵 🏥

  • Social Security Administration employees assist with retirement, disability and survivor benefits.
  • Medicare and Medicaid specialists help with health care services.

3. Taxes and Financial Assistance 💰 📝

  • IRS employees process tax returns and provide tax assistance.
  • Small Business Administration staff help entrepreneurs with loans and resources.

4. Foreign Affairs and National Security 🔒🌐

  • State Department staff protect U.S. citizens abroad, help secure the release of wrongfully detained Americans, and work with other countries to respond to attacks against the U.S. and its allies.
  • U.S. Agency for International Development personnel provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations across the world.

5. Law Enforcement and Public Safety 🚔 ⚖️

  • Department of Homeland Security employees investigate crime, protect our borders, prevent cyber attacks and respond to terrorism.
  • Justice Department staff lead criminal investigations, hold bad actors accountable and protect our civil rights.

6. Veterans Services 🇺🇸 🏅

  • Department of Veterans Affairs employees assist veterans with health care, education and employment.
  • The Veterans Benefits Administration provides veterans and their families with home loans, disability compensation, life insurance and more.

7. Health Care and Public Health 🏥 🩺

  • Employees at the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration help with public health policies, food safety and disease control.
  • National Institutes of Health researchers conduct medical research and clinical trials.

8. Education and Employment 🎓 💼

  • Federal student aid workers help individuals apply for and manage financial aid.
  • The Department of Labor provides job training programs for young people, ensures safe and healthy working conditions, and enforces child labor laws.

9. Farming and Food Safety 🚜🍅

  • Department of Agriculture employees fight pests and diseases that affect agricultural growth and provide farmers and ranchers with crop insurance, disaster assistance and economic aid.
  • The Food Safety and Inspection Service ensures meat, poultry and egg products are safe, wholesome and properly labeled.

10. Climate and the Environment 🌤️⛈️

  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides the public with daily weather forecasts and severe storm warnings.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency ensures our drinking water is safe and cleans contaminated land and toxic sites.

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Sample Posts

Civil servants need our support now more than ever. Help us share why their work matters by sharing stories about federal employees who have made a difference in your life. #ISupportFeds https://bit.ly/ISupportFeds


Federal workers deserve our gratitude and respect, but they are under attack. Send a clear message that you’ve got their back, by sharing stories about federal employees who have made a difference in your life. #ISupportFeds https://bit.ly/ISupportFeds


From keeping our food and water safe to responding to natural disasters, federal workers play a vital role in our everyday lives. Learn how you can share your support for them at https://bit.ly/ISupportFeds


#ISupportFeds because they work behind the scenes to keep us safe and healthy, help us receive critical benefits and improve our lives for the better. Join me in supporting federal workers. https://bit.ly/ISupportFeds


Federal workers are our food inspectors, air traffic controllers, park rangers and so much more. They play a vital role our everyday lives and work to keep our nation safe. Join me in support of federal employees! #ISupportFeds https://bit.ly/ISupportFeds



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